2013 Annual report

NOK 1 000
Dividend and group
contributions from
financial investments *)
Unrealised value
change on financial
Net gain on sales
of financial
Investments in subsidiaries
152 627
2 473 235
2 625 863
Listed shares and stakes
110 698
1 091 666
352 266
1 554 631
Unlisted shares and bonds
1 491
408 887
42 158
452 536
Hedge funds
6 764
486 542
253 512
746 819
Interest investments
- 3 160
- 19 540
32 746
10 047
Total 2013
268 421
4 440 791
680 683
5 389 895
NOK 1 000
Dividend and group
contributions from
financial investments *)
Unrealised value
change on
financial investments
Net gain on sales
of financial
Investments in subsidiaries
101 786
1 662 327
1 764 113
Listed shares and stakes
72 442
355 399
149 066
576 907
Unlisted shares and bonds
21 322
1 377 081
- 137 596
1 260 808
Hedge funds
9 749
125 287
161 937
296 973
Interest investments
- 1 570
19 849
18 279
Total 2012
203 730
3 539 942
173 407
3 917 079
*)Distributions from funds investments are mainly recorded against cost on the investments and not recognised in the income statement.

Strandveien 50
1324 Lysaker

Postboks 34
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Phone 67 10 80 00
Fax 67 10 80 01

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