2013 Annual report

Investments in associates and joint ventures are in Ferd's consolidated accounts recognised BY the equity method.
A specification of companies and shares is given in the statement of investments in associates and joint ventures in note 20.
NOK 1 000
Al-Obeikan Elopak factory for Packaging Co
Lala Elopak S.A. de C.V.
Tiedemanns-byen DA
Harbert European Real Estate Fund II
Harbert European Real Estate Fund III
Ownership and voting share
Cost at 1 January
54 100
153 093
106 768
112 002
51 141
101 074
578 177
Share of result at 1 January
76 742
100 900
8 973
54 093
11 052
- 5 721
246 039
Accumulated impairment of goodwill at 1 January
- 12 600
- 1 085
- 13 685
Transfer from the company
- 29 879
- 84 963
- 13 342
- 5 865
- 134 049
Exchange differences/eliminations
- 30 016
- 29 406
- 3 053
- 293
- 14 394
- 77 162
Carrying amount at 1 January
58 347
139 624
115 741
149 700
61 900
74 009
599 321
4 225
11 958
44 833
4 338
65 354
- 8
- 8
Sales during the year
Share of the result of the year
6 132
17 086
14 029
28 884
11 184
6 346
83 661
Impairment of goodwill
- 497
- 497
Transfers from the company
- 13 915
- 12 765
- 50 484
- 23 517
- 100 681
Recognised directly in equity
- 1 333
- 184
- 1 517
Exchange differences/eliminations
1 550
1 556
- 1 572
1 534
Carrying amount at 31 December
68 921
156 125
117 005
128 100
94 400
82 616
647 167
NOK 1 000
Al-Obeikan Elopak factory for Packaging Co
Elopak South Africa Ltd
Lala Elopak S.A. de C.V.
Tiedemanns-byen DA
Harbert European Real Estate Fund II
Harbert European Real Estate Fund III
Ownership and voting share
Cost at 1 January
54 100
25 692
153 093
106 768
133 253
44 000
111 910
628 815
Share of result at 1 January*
62 782
55 316
83 685
2 332
37 020
4 721
- 3 106
242 750
Accumulated impairment of goodwill at 1 January
- 12 600
- 2 200
- 1 085
- 15 885
Transfer from the company
- 15 308
- 26 029
- 61 827
- 13 342
- 5 865
- 122 371
Exchange differences/eliminations
- 21 143
- 11 918
- 28 348
- 3 053
- 293
- 11 551
- 76 306
Carrying amount at 1 January
67 831
40 861
146 603
109 100
153 877
48 428
90 303
657 004
35 664
14 464
50 128
- 41 373
- 21 251
- 28 523
- 25 300
- 116 447
Sales during the year
Share of the result of the year*
13 960
5 599
17 215
6 641
17 074
6 331
- 2 615
64 204
Impairment of goodwill
Transfers from the company
- 14 571
- 23 136
- 37 707
Recognised directly in equity
Exchange differences/eliminations
- 8 873
- 5 087
- 1 058
- 2 843
- 17 861
Carrying amount at 31 December
58 347
139 624
115 741
149 700
61 900
74 009
599 321
*) Gain on sale of Elopak South Africa Ltd constitutes 22 806.
The table below shows a summary of financial information related to Ferd's largest investments in associates and joint ventures on a 100 percent basis. The stated figures represent fiscal year 2013. The figures are unaudited.
NOK 1 000
Al-Obeikan Elopak factory for Packaging Co
Lala Elopak S.A. de C.V.
Tiedemanns-byen DA
Harbert European Real Estate Fund II
Harbert European Real Estate Fund III
Operating revenue
177 006
240 603
245 798
10 138
25 856
Operating profit
10 395
27 913
38 880
3 025
- 17 403
Profit after tax and minority
6 053
18 353
28 914
65 115
129 195
Total assets
147 773
183 808
403 929
524 894
1 038 887
Total liabilities
94 064
64 854
169 921
5 378
Stake, transactions and balances with enterprises accounted for by the equity method:
Eierandel, transaksjoner og mellomværende med selskap behandlet etter egenkapitalmetoden
Stake/voting share
Sales from associates companies and joint ventures to Ferd
Ferd's net receivables/(payables) to associated companies and joint ventures
Ferd's guarantees for associated companies and joint ventures
NOK 1 000
Al-Obeikan Elopak factory for Packaging Co
49,0 %
26 992
115 268
105 642
Boreal GmbH
20,0 %
Elocap Ltd.
50,0 %
253 820
94 249
- 8 513
- 8 419
Frogn Næringspark AS
50,0 %
Harbert European Real Estate Fund II
26,0 %
Harbert European Real Estate Fund III
22,0 %
Hunstad Sør Tomteselskap AS
31,6 %
Impresora Del Yaque
51,0 %
2 498
23 488
Kråkeland Hytteservice AS
33,5 %
Lala Elopak S.A. de C.V.
49,0 %
20 487
20 182
2 235
2 659
Lofoten Tomteselskap AS
35,0 %
Madla Byutvikling AS
33,3 %
Siriskjær AS
50,0 %
Solheim Byutviklingselskap AS
33,1 %
Sporafjell Utviklingsselskap AS
50,0 %
Tastarustå Byutvikling AS
33,3 %
Tiedemannsbyen DA
50,0 %
277 262
114 431
- 6 149
44 720
115 268
105 642

Strandveien 50
1324 Lysaker

Postboks 34
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