2013 Annual report

NOK 1 000
Buildings and land
Machines and installations
Fixtures and equipment
Cost at 1 January
410 487
3 697 636
230 510
4 338 633
208 482
541 726
23 866
774 074
- 7 356
- 147 103
- 29 856
- 184 315
Exchange differences
40 848
411 503
55 238
507 589
Cost at 31 December
652 461
4 503 762
279 758
5 435 981
Accumulated depreciation and impairment at 1 January
248 148
2 505 978
188 472
2 942 598
Accumulated depreciation on acquisitions
10 926
30 426
3 521
44 873
Depreciation of the year
17 158
290 586
22 343
330 087
Impairment of the year
3 616
3 616
Derecognised depreciation
- 2 235
- 135 272
- 19 538
- 157 045
Exchange differences
28 380
295 551
32 853
356 784
Accumulated depreciation at 31 December
302 377
2 990 885
227 651
3 520 913
Accumulated impairment at 31 December
2 288
33 455
36 011
Carrying amount at 31 December
350 084
1 512 877
52 107
1 915 068
Estimated economic life of depreciable assets
5-50 years
5-15 years
3-13 years
Amortisation method
NOK 1 000
Buildings and land
Machines and installations
Fixtures and equipment
Cost at 1 January
416 174
3 699 376
230 081
4 345 631
34 771
361 125
15 204
411 100
- 24 756
- 211 006
- 8 528
- 244 290
Exchange differences
- 15 702
- 151 859
- 6 247
- 173 808
Cost at 31 December
410 487
3 697 636
230 510
4 338 633
Accumulated depreciation and impairment at 1 January
262 631
2 462 125
179 288
2 904 044
Accumulated depreciation on acquisitions
Depreciation of the year
13 937
303 885
20 849
338 671
Impairment of the year
2 394
2 398
Derecognised depreciation
- 17 427
- 158 558
- 6 605
- 182 590
Exchange differences
- 10 993
- 103 868
- 5 064
- 119 925
Accumulated depreciation at 31 December
248 148
2 505 978
188 472
2 942 598
Accumulated impairment at 31 December
2 100
26 462
28 800
Carrying amount at 31 December
162 339
1 191 658
42 038
1 396 035
Estimated economic life of depreciable assets
5-50 years
5-15 years
3-13 years
Amortisation method

Strandveien 50
1324 Lysaker

Postboks 34
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Phone 67 10 80 00
Fax 67 10 80 01

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