Ferd has established pension schemes in accordance with Norwegian legislation. The employees participate in defined benefit and defined contribution plans complying with the requirements of the mandatory occupational pension.
Defined benefit plans
Defined benefit plans provide employees with the right to defined future pension benefits. The Group's net obligation in respect of defined benefit pension plans is calculated separately for each pension plan. The amount is an estimate of future benefits that employees have earned based on years of service and salary at retirement. Benefits are discounted to present value, and the recognised obligation is reduced by the fair value of plan assets for funded pension schemes. Changes in assumptions, staff numbers and variances between estimated and actual salary increases and return on assets result in actuarial gains and losses. Actuarial gains and losses and gains and losses resulting from a curtailment or termination of pension plans, are recognised immediately in the income statement.
The defined benefit pension plans consist of group schemes as well as some additional arrangements, including employees with a retirement basis over 12 G, and AFP. For salaries exceeding 12 G, Ferd has established a pension scheme implying that the employees earn a pension right each year. The scheme was closed for new hires when established. The right comprises a share of the salary in excess of 12 G together with a return component depending on the employee's chosen risk profile. The pension plan has many similarities with a contribution scheme, but as Ferd is not making regular payments to a fund, but has elected to take the risk of return itself, the scheme shall be classified as a benefit scheme for accounting purposes. Ferd has recognised the obligation as a pension liabiity and is expensing the current deposits and the current return as incurred. The liability has not been discounted.
Defined contribution plans
For defined contribution plans, the Group's obligations are limited to making specific contributions. Payments to defined contribution pension plans are recognised as expenses in the income statement when the employees have rendered services entitling them to the contribution.
Other service related long-term benefits
In addition to the pension schemes described above, Ferd has obligations related to future health contributions for some groups of employees in the USA.
Ferd has defined benefit plans in several countries with varying economic conditions affecting the assumptions that are the basis for calculating pension obligations. The parameters are adapted to conditions in each country. The discount rate is determined as a weighted average of the yields at the reporting date on AA rated corporate bonds, or government bonds in cases where there is no market for AA rated corporate bonds. The government bond interest rate is applied for Norwegian schemes. To the extent that the bond does not have the same maturity as the obligation, the discount rate is adjusted. Actuarial assumptions for demographic factors and retirement are based on generally accepted principles in the insurance business. Future mortality rates are based on statistics and mortality tables (K2013).
From 2013, the pension liabilities are recognised net less the pension funds. Net pension liabilities are discounted, implying that the return (previously an mportant economic assumption) is no longer relevant.
Economic assumptions in Norwegian companies at 31 December
Discount rate
Expected wage growth
Future expected pension regulation
Expected regulation of base amount (G)
Interval for economic assumptions in foreign companies at 31 December
Discount rate
2.00 - 4.10
2.00 - 4.15
Expected wage growth
0.00 - 1.00
0.00 - 1.00
Future expected pension regulation
0.00 - 0,60
0.00 - 0.55
Reconciliation of net liability against balance sheet
NOK 1 000
Pension liabilities for defined benefit pension plans
- 146 973
- 211 528
Pension assets for defined benefit pension plans
9 805
9 505
Total defined benefit obligation recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position
- 137 168
- 202 023
Specification of recognised liability
NOK 1 000
Present value of unfunded pension liabilities
- 51 737
- 69 469
Present value of wholly or partly funded obligations
- 617 516
- 469 621
Total present value of defined benefit obligations
- 669 253
- 539 091
Fair value of pension assets
532 085
337 068
Total defined benefit obligation recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position
- 137 168
- 202 023
Movements in liabilities for defined benefit pension plans
NOK 1 000
Liability for defined benefit pension plans at 1 January
539 091
681 653
Present value of current service cost
25 031
24 635
Interest expenses on the pension liability
23 286
20 487
Demographic estimate deviation on the pension liability
28 063
Financial estimate deviation on the pension liability
- 40 622
12 768
Settlement of pension plans
- 42 097
- 17 936
Curtailment of pension plans
- 48 907
Plan changes
- 32 370
Change in liability due to acquisition/sale of subsidiaries
191 228
Benefits paid
- 40 255
- 128 361
Social security tax
1 148
Exchange differences on foreign plans
33 287
- 22 015
Liability for defined benefit pension plans at 31 December
669 253
539 091
Expected payments of defined pension liabilities
NOK 1 000
Defined benefit pension expected to fall due year 1-5
222 144
Defined benefit pension expected to fall due year 6-10
194 134
Defined benefit pension expected to fall due year 11-20
191 241
Defined benefit pension expected to fall due year 21-30
50 144
Defined benefit pension expected to fall due year after 30 years
11 589
Total benefit pension due
669 253
Movement in fair value of pension assets for defined benefit pension plans
NOK 1 000
Fair value of pension assets at 1 January
337 068
442 221
Expected return from pension assets
15 976
14 725
Financial estimate deviation on the pension assets
26 251
- 14 791
Contributions from employer
34 826
22 212
Administration expenses
- 1 681
- 645
Contributions from employees
2 838
Increase in pension funds due to the acquisition of subsidiaries
157 744
- 32 021
Benefits paid
- 34 896
- 114 239
Exchange difference on foreign plans
28 818
- 15 253
Fair value of pension assets at 31 December
532 085
337 068
Pension assets include the following
NOK 1 000
Equity instruments
93 007
100 459
54 630
Government stock
107 682
180 650
92 454
Corporate stock
18 045
78 653
46 227
Other debt instruments, including structured debt
57 814
41 604
Property investments
35 899
34 670
Bank deposits
13 713
21 415
16 179
Other assets
55 653
57 195
51 303
Total pension funds
289 090
532 085
337 068
Actuarial deviations recognised in comprehensive income
NOK 1 000
Current year actuarial deviation on pension liabilities (defined benefit schemes)
12 559
12 768
Current year actuarial deviation on pension funds (defined benefit schemes)
26 251
14 791
Net actuarial deviation on defined benefit schemes recognised in comprehensive income
38 810
27 559
NOK 1 000
Defined benefit plans
- 24 824
- 8 344
Defined contribution plans
100 442
85 028
Early retirement and other schemes
- 927
Total pension costs recognised in current year payroll costs
75 618
75 757
Pension costs recognised in income statement
NOK 1 000
Present value of this year's pension earned
25 031
24 635
Contribution from employees
- 2 838
Curtailment of pension schemes and plan changes
- 52 684
- 32 255
Social security tax
1 148
Administration costs
1 681
1 999
Total pension costs frm benefit schemes recognised in salary costs
- 24 824
- 8 344
Interest expense on the pension liability
23 286
20 487
Expected return on pension funds
- 15 976
- 14 725
Total pension costs from recognised in finance costs
7 310
5 762
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