Specification of income tax expenses
NOK 1 000
Tax payable of net profit
Income tax payable for the year
185 767
138 917
Adjustments of prior periods
26 804
8 826
Total tax payable
212 571
147 743
Deferred tax expense
Change in deferred tax recognised in the income statement
49 067
34 990
Effects of changes in tax rates and prior years' taxes
5 788
3 881
Total deferred tax
54 855
38 872
Income tax expense
267 426
186 615
Tax payable in balance sheet
NOK 1 000
Tax payable of the year
185 767
138 917
Tax on rendered group contribution
- 7 000
Tax liability from prior years
84 290
9 121
Advance tax paid
- 89 170
- 44 224
Translation differences
- 6 838
Tax payable
167 049
103 814
Reconciliation of nominal to effective tax rate
NOK 1 000
Profit before tax
2 942 821
3 612 680
Estimated income tax expense at nominal tax rate (28%)
823 990
1 011 550
Losses and other deductions without any net tax effect
- 1 806
7 039
Non-taxable income elated to securities
- 556 833
- 810 164
Other non-taxable income, incl. value changes in investment property
- 40 876
- 26 049
Adjustment of prior periods
32 593
12 707
Tax effect of other permanent differences
10 358
- 8 469
Income tax expense
267 426
186 615
Effective tax rate
9,1 %
5,2 %
Tax recognised directly in equity
NOK 1 000
Actuarial loss on pension obligations
- 3 627
Cash flow hedges
- 1 023
2 378
Total tax recognised in total comprehensive income
- 4 650
3 337
Deferred tax assets and liabilities
NOK 1 000
14 335
21 414
8 416
6 678
Stocks and bonds
- 186 533
10 636
Other differences
13 714
32 266
Tangible assets
- 47 183
- 153 123
Intangible assets
- 146 318
- 128 457
Net pensions
46 635
65 931
Tax losses to carry forward
311 775
190 785
14 841
46 130
Reassessment of deferred tax assets
- 243 927
- 233 373
Net carrying value at 31 December of deferred tax assets (+)/liabilities (-)
- 229 086
- 187 243
Deferred tax assets are reviewed on each balance sheet date, and is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow for a part or all of the deferred tax asset to be utilised.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the liability shall be settled or the asset be realised, based on tax rates and legislation prevailing at the balance sheet date.
Tax losses to carry forward, gross
NOK 1 000
9 632
14 071
15 675
After 2015
286 394
Without expiration
909 369
Total tax losses to carry forward
1 235 141
Change in net deferred tax in balance sheet
NOK 1 000
Net carrying value at 1 January
- 187 243
- 174 885
Translation differences
3 592
- 1 529
Acquisition and disposal of subsidiary
14 070
- 30 464
Recognised in income statement during the period
- 54 855
- 38 872
Tax recognised in comprehensive income
- 4 650
3 337
Other changes 1)
55 170
Net carrying value at 31 December
- 229 086
- 187 243
1) Other changes mainly relate to implementation effects, the tax effect of internal gains and corrections of previous years' errors.
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